all postcodes in IP22 / EYE

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District

IP22 / EYE

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP22 5BJ 37 0 52.374347 1.095163
IP22 5FY 4 0 52.38293 1.086345
IP22 5PF 1 0 52.402697 1.131808
IP22 5QR 13 0 52.38269 1.091414
IP22 5QS 11 0 52.381545 1.089805
IP22 5QT 14 0 52.380447 1.088435
IP22 5QU 7 1 52.380271 1.089334
IP22 5QW 11 0 52.381483 1.094563
IP22 5QX 5 0 52.380666 1.090052
IP22 5QY 25 0 52.38052 1.090483
IP22 5RB 29 0 52.379841 1.087879
IP22 5RD 2 1 52.381087 1.083642
IP22 5RE 26 0 52.380168 1.082934
IP22 5RF 2 0 52.378916 1.084123
IP22 5RG 18 1 52.382626 1.079034
IP22 5RH 23 0 52.382497 1.081583
IP22 5RJ 6 0 52.381778 1.080886
IP22 5RL 25 0 52.381845 1.082448
IP22 5RN 36 0 52.383289 1.081564
IP22 5RP 2 0 52.401987 1.132254